Each credit card company starts their cards with a different number:
3 – American Express (AMEX)
4 – Visa
5 – MasterCard (MC)
6 – Discover (Disco)
MasterCard 💳
Standard – comparable to visa classic
Gold – comparable to visa gold
Platinum – comparable to visa plat
World – very high limit
World Elite – virtually no limit, high end card.
Gold – usually around 10k limit
Platinum- usually higher limit, around 35k
Centurion – High limit, 75k+ (also known as the black card, not to be
confused with visa's black card
Each card company has their own specific types of cards, here are 💳
💯some of the basics:
Classic – a universal payment tool, which was adopted worldwide in any
locations designated by the logo of Visa, including ATMs, real and virtual stores, and shops offering goods and services by mail and telephone.
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