Instant PHP Web Scraping

Get up and running with the basic techniques of web scraping using PHP

Who this book is for 

This book is aimed at those who are new to web scraping, with little or no previous programming experience. Basic knowledge of HTML and the Web is useful, but not necessary

About the Author 

Jacob Ward is a freelance software developer based in the UK. Through his background in research marketing and analytics he realized the importance of data and automation, which led him to his current vocation, developing enterprise-level automation tools, web bots, and screen scrapers for a wide range of international clients.

About the Reviewers 

Alex Berriman is a seasoned young programmer from Sydney, Australia. He has degrees in computer science, and over 10 years of experience in PHP, C++, Python, and Java. A strong proponent of open source and application design, he can often be found late, working on a variety of applications and contributing to a range of open source projects.

Chris Nizzardini has been developing web applications in PHP since 2006. He lives and works in the beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah. You can follow Chris on twitter @cnizzdotcom and read what he has to say about web development on his blog (

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