How to Use Sentry MBA to crack accounts to websites! | Tutorial | Guide

Hey Guys!

Hello guys, today I have a tutorial on how to crack accounts
such as Netflix, Emails, Spotify, VPN and really just crack any site!!

Things You Need
-Sentry MBA
-Config File
-Combo File
-Fresh Proxies / Socks
All links to configs, combos, sentry, and proxies will be listed below.


1.) Download Sentry MBA, A Combo file, A Config File, and Proxy scrapper (or just a list of proxies). Then open up Sentry MBA. (links are found at the bottom)

2.) Now go to the Settings tab, then press General, then go to the Snap Shot section on the bottom left and press Load Settings From Snap Shot to load your Config file. Click save to save the config. You want to make sure it saves over any old copies you have in your snapshots folder.

(If a config is a .txt file, just change the ending to .ini)

3.) Now you are going to load your Proxy list. You are going to go to the tools tab and click on Proxylist. when you get there, you are going to click the folder like icon and choose your Proxylist, which should be a .txt file. The proxy scraper listed at the bottom will help tremendously with this. You input sites to scrape and it does the rest.

4.) Now you are going to import your Combo list, right under the Proxylist tab, there is a Wordlist tab, click it. and go to the top left box which says Wordlist and click folder like icon and choose your Combo list. it should be also a .txt file.
(make sure your combo list isn't like so password:email email;password, make sure it is strictly email:password username:password, that is the only way it will work right with sentry mba, notice colon and not semi-colon

5.) You are now ready to start cracking accounts! now click the Progression tab and on the top left bar, choose how many bots you want to run at a time, which means how many accounts cracking at a time. I suggest to new users not to run over 20 bots unless you know what you are doing. For proxyless, run less than 5 bots to not get banned. Just use common sense guys. Don't ruin it for everybody running too many bots and getting the method fixed.

6.) Now you play the waiting game.. It's kind of a long process but it pays off when running sentry mba with good quality configs. When you get a account, it will be in the hits tab on the bottom of the program. Tochecks can mean bad proxies, or config is broken. If you are getting hits though it generally mean bad proxy. Fakes also mean bad proxy. Tochecks could be hits though. Sometimes it pays to check them. The keyword may have changed or another needs to be added so those accounts go to hits also.

Thank you for reading this tutorial, if you have any other questions feel free to ask below or to open a thread for support.
We would be glad to help you.

Thanks and Enjoy!
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